en I’ve taught students and aspiring strength coaches how to design training programs, I’ve always started by teaching them about loading parameters. These include: sets, repetitions, load, tempo, rest and movement velocity (speed).
The ensuing physiological and neuromechanical adaptations in a given strength ability are specific to the loading parameters that are employed.
Examples of strength abilities include: maximal muscle power, rate force development (explosive strength), maximal muscle strength and muscle hypertrophy.
There are some basic relationships between the loading parameters. For example, as the time under tension increases, there is a greater emphasis on muscle hypertrophy whereas as the time under tension decreases, there is a greater emphasis on neural adaptations. Further, as the time under tension decreases and the load increases, the rest intervals between sets increase.
The table below provides a detailed overview of the loading parameters, time under tension and strength abilities that strength coaches can target in their programming.
Click here to download a simple version of the loading parameter table